Remember that unexpected ride into biological dentistry I told you about? The Netflix documentary, the late-night phone call, and the eye-opening conference? (If you missed it, catch up here.) But that was just the beginning. What really cemented my belief in this approach wasn’t a textbook or a lecture – it was a deeply personal experience. It was my mom’s story.

Meet Janice – my mom, my first patient being treated under biological protocols, and the woman who unknowingly set me on the path to revolutionizing my dental practice. This isn’t just another dental anecdote. It’s a tale of unexpected connections, a leap of faith, and a mother-son duo embarking on a journey that would change both our lives.

My mom is a nurse – one of those unsung heroes of the medical world. After years of taking care of others, it was finally her turn to be the patient. She’d been struggling with unexplained heart palpitations for as long as I could remember. But now, armed with my new understanding of biological dentistry, I had a hunch: could her root canal and wisdom tooth site cavitations be the source of her problems?

If you’ve visited our clinic before, you’ve probably heard me mention the Meridian System for Self-Analysis. The Meridian System suggests that each tooth is connected to specific organs and body parts through energy pathways. Back in 2019, this concept was new to me. But when I discovered that my mom’s cavitations fell on the heart meridian in addition to her infected root canal, it didn’t seem like a mere coincidence.

This observation was a pivotal moment in my understanding of the potential connections between oral health and overall wellbeing. It led me to consider how dental issues might have far-reaching effects beyond just the mouth.

She agreed to let me, with the help of Dr. Nunnally, put these concepts to the test. Over three intense days, we dove into a series of therapies, surgery, and recovery. We removed her root canal and cleaned all four wisdom tooth cavitation sights. As we worked, I couldn’t help but wonder if we were finally on the path to solving my mom’s long-standing health puzzle.

Here’s the truth, plain and simple: it’s been five years since that procedure, and my mom hasn’t had a single heart palpitation. The palpitations disappeared a few days later, never to return. This isn’t just a coincidence or a one-off success story. After witnessing countless similar outcomes in my practice, I’m more certain than ever that biological dentistry is the path to optimal health. Traditional dentists might skeptically raise an eyebrow, but the results speak for themselves. Time and time again, I’ve seen how addressing dental issues holistically can transform a person’s overall well-being. My mom’s story isn’t unique – it’s a powerful example of why biological dentistry should be the standard of care for all.

Traveling to Texas was a wake-up call. I realized I was far from reaching my full potential as a dentist. It became clear that I needed to know more – not just for my own curiosity, but out of necessity.

I had to understand why dentistry was failing people and why oral-systemic connections were not being taught. I needed to know why these crucial links were often ignored or even disregarded in mainstream practice.

There are more stories like my mom’s out there. People whose dental issues have far-reaching effects on their overall health, often in ways that aren’t immediately obvious. If you happen to be one of those people with a similar experience, I’d be very interested to hear about it. Would you mind sharing your story?

Comments +

  1. Linda Storey says:

    This is a wonderful story. I truly believe holistic dentistry could be the mystery solved to a lot of health problems. Thank you for your research.

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