Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to speak at an international meetup the (JCCI) in Switzerland hosted by Swiss Dental Solutions (SDS). For most of you SDS doens’t mean much, but many of our patients living a healthier lifestyle with an SDS implant right now! As for me, Swiss Dental Solutions and Swiss Bio Health is where I first learned groundbreaking implant healing protocols that have truly revolutionized patient outcomes.
I was surrounded by some of the world’s best in biological dentistry—think the Michael Jordans of our field! It was my first time in Europe, and I was blown away not only by the stunning landscapes but also by the rich culture.
Hanging out with some of the best biological dentists in the world was an experience like no other. I had the privilege of learning from names you might recognize: Dr. Dominik Nischwitz (@drdome1), who inspired us to merge biological dentistry with functional medicine, blending oral health with overall wellness. Dr. Kelly Blodgett (@blodgettdentalcare) shared how social media can be a powerful tool for connecting with patients on a deeper level, and Dr. Alexander Sobiegalla (@zahnarztpraxis_sobiegalla) surprised us by diving into a completely different topic—Bitcoin! The rapid-fire presentations were nothing short of electric, and the energy in the room was on fire!
And… as I sat in that room, I quickly realized that our clinic is truly among some of the best biological dental clinics in the world. It’s not about self-promotion—it’s about acknowledging how God, my incredible team, and our dedication to you, our patients, have placed us in a unique position, we are so blessed!
Allison and I were also able to carve out some time for ourselves. We explored the beauty of Switzerland without kids or work for the first time…ever! We even stumbled upon a walking path that looked like this…. It was such an unforgettable experience.
For those interested, you can visit my research data base. Biological dentistry is backed by science, and this research shows how we’re using evidence-based approaches to support your health. Also, here’s a recording of my lecture from Switzerland!
Thanks for being part of this journey with us! I am forever grateful!
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