The great thing about opening your own business is that you can design it exactly the way you want. In return, we have made about 1,000+ decisions to make everything just right. It is something special to literally watch as the walls are built, the paint dries, and your space becomes what you envisioned.

We are sitting about 22 days away from opening shop. If you have been following our Facebook and Instagram, you have already seen some pictures…but they don’t do justice. If you haven’t been following our social media, well then you’re probably not as cool as you could be! So be cool, and check it out here and here! And make sure to follow us, or you’ll get left behind in no time.

At about this point in the post, your mind has already trailed off and you’re wondering where I am going with this. Don’t worry…I am curious too! Actually, I just wanted to give you an inside look into what went into designing the newest, freshest, best dental practice the corridor has seen.

Here are a few highlights:

Reception We opted for a “living room feel”…which is good, because nobody actually wants a “dental office feel.” Am I right? No more chairs lining the walls, awkwardly staring into the center of the room. This isn’t your typical doctor’s office. The chairs are a little bit bigger, and a lot more comfortable. We added a fireplace too, so on days like today (April 8, 22 degrees, snow possible) our patients would at least appreciate the ambiance instead of hating the weather (Iowa winters are brutal and long, so we are pretty certain the fireplace was a good investment).

Operatories In a previous blog post, I touched on a company called A-dec, the manufacturer of our operatory equipment. It’s a great company based in Oregon, so great that their dental chairs are used in the White House! So when you come into Corridor Dental for a cleaning or other treatments, you are basically being treated like POTUS!

I’ve heard friends say that when they go to the dentist they don’t know where to look. At the ceiling? Towards the assistant? Right up the doctor’s nose? Maybe just close them? There isn’t really a right answer, but Corridor Dental is going to make it a little easier on you. What would you say to a TV mounted wherever you see fit? You’ll be able to choose the channel and we’ll provide you with wireless headphones. BONUS! Dr. Kriegel uses an electric driven handpiece which is smoother, quicker, AND quieter! He told me over dinner last night that it “has way more functionality, can be easily controlled for blah blah blah…” Whatever, I just know it is way more quiet! (Also, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t listen to your TV on wireless headphones…just call me, I now have hours of experience in pairing bluetooth transmitters with headphones. By the way, a Samsung tech told me it couldn’t be done, but if you have enough determination…you find yourself feeling pretty techy and proud!)

Accents Barn Doors: A tribute to the Iowa we all know and love. Made by Micah Casper, Liberty High School’s very own shop teacher.

Lighting: Gone are the days of flickering fluorescent lighting. We brought in friendly canned lighting and six hanging pendants to spice things up.

Sterilization: Instead of hiding it, we are showing it off.

Bathrooms They are beautiful and clean, no further explanation needed.

The only way for you to experience our design, is to come see our office for yourself. I won’t even be mad if you drive by and peek in the windows! We will be open in May, so feel free to drop by anytime and I’ll give you a tour.

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