Inlays & Onlays Using the principles of biomimetic dentistry to guide us, inlays and onlays are our preferred restorative technique here at Corridor Dental. Many dentists are quick to recommend and provide crowns when more than a simple filling is needed—but a crown might not be necessary, and you will be left with less healthy […]

Dentistry, Services

Saving natural smiles, one tooth at a time.


Even the bravest patients get a little queasy at the thought of oral surgery, but we want you to know Dr. Kriegel has undergone extensive advanced training to provide oral surgery procedures, and has helped many patients regain health and confidence in their smiles. At Corridor Dental, we practice a highly conservative philosophy of dentistry, […]


Comprehensive dental care all under one roof. Your relationship with your healthcare providers is personal, and we believe in providing continuity of care. We are a small, family dental practice, so you will see the same friendly faces every time you visit. We go above and beyond continuing education requirements. We invest in the latest […]


Every single human on Earth is beautiful in their own way—just like snowflakes! Do you think snowflakes hide out in the clouds because they don’t feel as beautiful as the snowflake next to them? Of course not! They fall anyway, and they make their graceful dance down to the ground in a pattern never seen […]


Nearly natural, minimally-invasive restorative solutions. At Corridor Dental, our mission is to preserve your natural teeth for as long as possible—hopefully for life! Tooth Colored Fillings Tooth-colored fillings help us treat the smallest areas of decay before they progress and require a larger restoration like an inlay or onlay. To place a filling, we do […]


You remember high school Biology class—learning about life in all its different forms. But what does all that have to do with dentistry? Yes, there are microscopic living organisms in your mouth (predominantly bacteria, but also fungi, viruses, and sometimes even amoebas and parasites!), but your mouth is also one of many microenvironments in your […]


Who knew that it would take a pandemic for friends and family all across the nation to reconnect and gather several people together in one “room”…and actually enjoy it. I’m talking about that Zoom “happy hour” I had a few weeks ago with my high school friends. It was inspired by a bunch of moms […]


I know misinformation is scary. Which is why it’s more important than ever for our biological dental office to stay on top of the research and the science. These terms have made it hard for us to know who to trust and yet we hear them daily. How do you decipher what sources are reputable, […]


It’s officially SUMMER. Other parents be jealous: on the longest day of the year my daughter was in bed at 6:34 pm. Even though the sun was shining (very) brightly into her room, the girl was knocked out, mouth wide open. That’s because when I’m not at the office, I’m at my in law’s pool […]


Things that are risky: driving to work, going to the beach, riding a bike, getting a puppy, having a kid, riding an elephant, investing in the stock market, opening a business, working with someone you love. When you really think about it, nearly every decision we make can have a varying degree of risk. Let […]

Your overall health is too vital to be ignored. Request a consultation now to experience intentional, integrative, health-centered dentistry with Dr. Kriegel.

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