We have received your emails and phone calls, and for everybody who has taken the time out of your day to respond, thank you, because that lets us know you care. Whether you agree with our decision or not, we appreciate the fact that you care enough to have called us and given us your […]


I’m joining a movement.


Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it has me thinking, what is the difference between being grateful and being thankful? Is there a reason we call it Thanksgiving and not Gratefulgiving? Different words, same idea, slightly different meaning… at least that’s what I have read. Not interesting to you? Perfect, skip down to the […]


It seems like most of our patients knew what I was receiving as a birthday/anniversary/Christmas gift before I did. Whitney, our dental assistant, told me yesterday for every patient who seemed mildly interested he could hardly contain his excitement. Now that I am over the initial embarrassment of Cody’s generous anniversary gift (four years of […]


If you have visited our office for a dental cleaning since the start of 2021, you probably noticed a few changes we have made. As you have come to know and expect from our team, we are continually evolving and innovating in efforts to improve the overall health of as many people and patients as […]


We have found ourselves in an unprecedented age in human history. With the Covid-19 issues, political instability, and constant barrage of negativity, we are caught in an age of information and disinformation. This is deja vu, as a little less than a year ago I wrote an email to you entitled “Do you trust me?” […]


Last year I was featured on a podcast in regards to dental implantology. A fellow colleague was asking about dental implants and why I have transitioned my practice to exclusively metal free ceramic implants. I felt this was a great opportunity to explain the advantages of ceramic implantology, why I utilize them extensively in my […]


I’ve spent a number of years finding ways to improve my health, I want to tell you about the 3 things I’ve started doing recently. #1 Nutrition Response Testing – Muscle Testing – Applied Bioenergy Analysis – Emotion Code We have a patient, an incredible patient, who came to us a few years ago. Initially […]


The last email we sent out generated great responses from you all! I couldn’t believe how many of you responded, and I am still a bit stunned that my wife’s email was read well over 1,000 times…much more than anything I have ever written. So naturally, my competitive nature takes over, and I am compelled […]


…Natural health influencers have been silenced. The first line of my original email (which I wrote months ago) was: “It’s only a matter of time before natural health influencers are also silenced”. “It’s only a matter of time before natural health influencers are also silenced”. Natural health influencers have been silenced. Would you consider me […]


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always […]

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