I’m going to be completely honest with you. Dentistry is failing people, and we need to do better.  You see, Dentistry is so focused on repairing teeth yet blatantly ignores the connection the mouth has to your overall health and wellness.  Here’s how traditional dentistry gets it wrong:  And I don’t blame them. They just don’t know any better. I […]

Dentistry, Media, Resources

Dentistry is failing people, and we need to do better. 


A safe and effective way to keep cavities away – that’s the fluoride myth we’ve all been sold for decades. What if we told you that fluoride can affect neurological function (particularly in children), bone issues later in life and the calcification of the pineal gland (i.e. lowered decision making ability)? aka…fluoride is NOT safe […]


If you could drastically improve your health with one decision, would you? Our patient, Meghan has quite the story to share: “My story may be different than some other patients in the way that I didn’t have teeth that I was unhappy with. I was blessed with straight teeth my whole life and never had […]


We know how valuable it is to receive comprehensive holistic dental care from someone you trust. We’re excited to announce the most significant change to Corridor Dental since we opened our doors 5 years ago. We realized that while we loved what we were able to provide, at times we found ourselves getting confused for […]


Who is this guy? Simply put, I am a superhero.  Yes, so now you think I am also a crazy whacko.  That’s fair, but hear me out for a bit and let me spit you some facts (pun 100% intended)… Although largely preventable, dental decay and periodontal disease are two of the most common chronic […]


Wait, isn’t the saying “A wolf in sheep’s clothing?” Yes, it is.  It comes from the Book of Matthew, where Jesus says “Watch out for false prophets.  They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” (Matthew 7:15, NIV).  But I have begun to realize dentists are not what many people […]


The great thing about opening your own business is that you can design it exactly the way you want. In return, we have made about 1,000+ decisions to make everything just right. It is something special to literally watch as the walls are built, the paint dries, and your space becomes what you envisioned. We are sitting […]


What we’ve learned in the first month of owning a dental clinic: Impromptu grand openings are the best kind. On April 29 Think Iowa City hosted the inaugural CRANDIC marathon/half marathon. As soon as we heard about this and saw that the half marathon was starting near the office, we felt we wanted to be […]


I think about teeth a lot…maybe to an unhealthy point in some degree. My wife will tell you many stories about the most random times I start telling her about enamel and dentin, bond strengths, how a natural tooth functions, collagen degradation by matrix metalloproteinases (yes those are big words and yes that is a […]


Is your name Brooke? Chances are probably not…but this is her new 3D printed surgical guide. Surgical guides are one of the greatest advancements of newer technology in dental implantology. Computer-guided surgery has revolutionized all types of surgery, from knee and hip replacements, to cardiovascular surgery, and dental implantology. Using specialized software, a dental implant […]

Your overall health is too vital to be ignored. Request a consultation now to experience intentional, integrative, health-centered dentistry with Dr. Kriegel.

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